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Temple of Divine Intercession

- A Really Effective Healing Tool! -

This special matrix is offered for those who are struggling with a deep issue, emotion or energy blockage that cannot be cleared and resolved through normal healing practices.


Divine Intercession was brought to the world as a result of an Ascension Window that opened on 21 December 2012. Divine Intercession brings an intercession in normal Universal Law to bring about a higher order of consciousness to the person making a request for this help.


This matrix accesses Divine Intercession in a way that can help you to clear deeply embedded consciousness patterns that have latched on to self-sabotaging parts of you and worked their way into you, enmeshing and overlaying their corrupted consciousness form upon you.


Instructions for Use: 


You can Work with this matrix on screen or copy and print it out and work on a paper copy. (Note if working with the paper copy doesn't work very well, you may have blocked the matrix when you copied it. If this is the case, go back to using the screen version below.)


  • Use the Grounding Keys before and after working with this matrix.


  • Hold the issue, emotion or energy blockage in your awareness as you carry out this healing action.


  • Touch the blue button with two fingers of your left and right hands and say "Kuusha" (pronounced Koosha).


  • Breathe deeply and let go, giving time for Divine Intercession to clear a first layer of the embedded energies.


  • Now repeat Kuusha as you continue to hold your fingers on the blue button in order to clear deeper layers. Breathe and let go each time. You can do this until all of the energy blockages have cleared. You can repeat this process over as many days as you need in order to clear the energy problem fully.


Be careful not to overload your body as you do deep clearing to avoid a healing crisis. Take your time with this work and spread the clearing action out to let your body and your mind heal safely.

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