
I have, since I met Shabdan in 2007, felt I can trust him. He is sincere and kind , with love streaming out of his heart and eyes. He is an extremely clear channel, seeing, hearing and sensing.Even so, he always stresses the importance of checking one's own heart, to confirm if what he says resonates with oneself.
I have continued to work with him over the past ten years, and my trust, appreciation and gratitude for the work he is doing has grown. he has helped me tremendously to develop my own empowerment tremendously. I feel he is a guiding light on my spiritual journey.
I can highly recommend to work with him. I have worked with him individually as well as in many groups. Also, I can say that the tools he has developed are of tremendous help.
May-Lisa, Norway, 2018

Image copyright May-Lisa, Norway, 2018
"I have had the immense pleasure and honour of working with Shabdan for 11 years. His ability to find the deeper aspects of one’s challenges in life is second to none that I have known.
He has a unique quality of unconditional love and service to all of humanity. He has made a huge difference to my life as a Mother of a ‘gifted’ child. With no exception he responds to my son’s needs at his earliest convenience. It has been a true Godsend for me to give my child’s mind, body and spirit to the care of Shadban and his team.
My heart has opened and my sense of peace and trust in the world has expanded now that I know my son and I are in these amazing angelic hands. There are no words to express the gratitude in my heart for his presence in my life. It is truly astounding."
Wendy, Maui, Hawaii 2018

"Shabdan is a gentle soul, working from a very high vibration. In the twenty years I've been actively working on myself, it has been his mind-blowing tools and one-to-one sessions that have taken me to the level I'm now at.
Shabdan works carefully without ego, always being respectful to Spirit and the Divine, and towards me. In addition, his healing tools are of the highest vibration. I have worked with many people over the years and always felt that working with Shabdan is on another level - light years ahead!
I have felt supported by him over the many years we have worked together and without him, I probably wouldn't have gotten to where I am now."
Tuaterru, UK 2018

"They say that the true definition of a Master is one who creates Masters. This aptly describes Shabdan's work. I feel infinitely blessed to have worked with Shabdan for a good numer of years and in that time, undergone profound transformation.
If I could give you a 'before' and 'after' picture, I can truly say that you would not recognise me! To say he has been a life-saver would be to underestimate his role. His facilitation to take my own journey of becoming has quite literally been out-of-this-world. If I could rate what he offers, he would score the highest ranking "and then some!" Thank you is not enough!"
Farasina, UK 2018

Since working with Shabdan in many one to one sessions, group sessions, studying Towards Mastership and using a number of the incredible tools & CDs it is pretty much beyond words how my life has changed, for the better!
Lifetimes of stuck emotions, negative behavior patterns and deeply ingrained belief systems that were holding me back have shifted, allowing the way for my spiritual path to unfold at a rate that takes my breath away when reflecting.
As with so many different healing paths the journey can at times feel challenging to the mind, however no matter what I might have been releasing I always felt supported by Shabdan’s pure love, wisdom & humor!
Blessed to be a client of Shabdan’s & I highly recommend him to those looking for changes in their lives.
Thank you so much Shabdan, it is a honor & privilege to work with you.
Emma xx UK 2018